As farmers, we are in the position to directly improve public health and wellbeing by providing local organic produce to the food chain. We want to use our land, knowledge, skills, and produce to help in the fight to create a more just and equitable food system. We aim to provide high-quality, local, tasty food for all people in the New York region and get compensated for the real value of our labor. Grow nutrient dense, beautiful, and tasty food to give away. (Since 2020 we have donated 57,000# of food through crowdsourcing, fundraiser events, & grants)
Are doing the work to build a resilient food system with our nonprofit, The Catskills Agrarian Alliance. The CAA integrates our production farming with land access work, farm to institution work, and alternative food distribution that we have already been invested in for many years. Now it is all just joined together!
Are seeking the remnants of our own heritages and ways to stand for another way of life!
Believe that shortening the gap between farmers and consumers, and regional food paths are key to bringing about fundamental change for the better.